Implement a SharinPix upload button in a Visualforce page

This article demonstrates how to implement a SharinPix upload button in a Visualforce page by modifying the SharinPix Visualforce component.


The SharinPix package includes the ready-made SharinPix Upload Button component which can also be used. This component is available in Lightning and can be directly added to your record page.

For more information about the SharinPix Upload Button component and how it is used, refer to the article below:

SharinPix Upload Button

To implement the above upload button, modify the SharinPix Visualforce component as follows:

<sharinpix:SharinPix height="35px" parameters="{'abilities':{'album_id':{'Access':{'see':true,'image_list':true,'image_upload':true,'image_delete':true,'fullscreen':true,'image_caption':true,'trash':true,'image_tag':true}}},'Id':'album_id', 'path':'/upload'}"></sharinpix:SharinPix>
Click to copy

Here are some points to consider when using the above code snippet:

  • The button's height is 35px
  • The value, album_id, should be replaced with your desired album ID (or record ID)

You can also modify the button's label using the label parameter as demonstrated below:

<sharinpix:SharinPix height="35px" parameters="{'abilities':{'album_id':{'Access':{'see':true,'image_list':true,'image_upload':true,'image_delete':true,'fullscreen':true,'image_caption':true,'trash':true,'image_tag':true}}},'Id':'album_id', 'path':'/upload', 'label':'Upload Images'}"}"></sharinpix:SharinPix>
Click to copy


Different SharinPix album abilities and features can be applied to the SharinPix Visualforce component.

Such abilities and features can be tested using the SharinPix Code Generator. This feature can also be used to generate the corresponding code for the Visualforce component.

For more information about the SharinPix Code Generator, refer to the article below:

SharinPix Code Generator


For more information about the SharinPix Visualforce component, refer to the links below:


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