Thumbnail View - Display infos

Relevant information can be displayed on image thumbnails in SharinPix albums. The options that can be displayed are:

  • Filename
  • Tags
  • Title
  • Date
  • Custom label
Abiltity Value Description
Filename Boolean Displays the filename of the image. 
Tags Boolean Displays the tags applied on the image. To see how to tag images, click here.
Title Boolean Displays the image's title. This value can be set either by making use of the image_caption ability or on the SharinPix mobile app.
Date String Displays the date on which the image has been created. Date formats can be found here. For example, date: 'L'
Custom label String This parameter allows the display of a custom label. The value of the custom label should be stored in a Salesforce field on the sObject SharinPixImage__c. The Salesforce field API name should then be used as the value for the parameter custom_label, for example: custom_label: 'CustomFilename__c', where CustomFilename__c refers to the API name of the Salesforce field storing the value for the custom label.

SharinPix Permission

SharinPix Permissions can be used to activate the abilities corresponding to the above mentioned options.

Apex Class & VF Page Implementations

The display parameters can be used as shown in the following code snippets.

public class ThumbnailInfos {
    private Map<String, Object> params;

    public test(ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl) {
        String albumId = (Id)stdCtrl.getId();
        params = new Map<String, Object>{
            'path' => '/pagelayout/' + albumId,
            'abilities' => new Map<String, Object> {
                albumId => New Map<String, Object> {
                    'Access' => new Map<String, Object> {
                        'see' => true,
                        'image_list' => true,
                        'image_upload' => true
                    'Display' => new Map<String, Object> {
                      'tags' => true,
                      'title' => true,
                      'date' => 'L'
            'download' => true,
            'custom_label' => 'sharinpix__FileName__c'

    public String getParameters() {
        return JSON.serialize(params); 
Click to copy
<apex:page docType="html-5.0" cache="false"
  <sharinpix:sharinpix id="iframe" parameters="{!parameters}" ></sharinpix:sharinpix>
  <sharinpix:CustomData componentId="iframe"></sharinpix:CustomData>
Click to copy


SharinPix also provides download parameters that can be used to personalize the download filenames. For more information about these parameters and how to configure them, refer to the following article:

Multiple Image download (ZIP) - How to personalize the download filenames


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