SharinPix DocumentationFAQMisc QuestionsHow to bypass the 'Validation of Cookie Usage' error when using a SharinPix component in an Iframe?

How to bypass the 'Validation of Cookie Usage' error when using a SharinPix component in an Iframe?

Description of the error

Traditionally, the Iframe syntax used to embed a SharinPix component was as follows:

<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="GetToken">    
    <iframe id="iframeId" class="sharinpix-iframe" src="{! SharinPixToken }"></iframe>    
Click to copy

However, some devices encountered a cookie-based error as depicted in the image below:

Solution: Use of the postMessage method

To overcome this issue, SharinPix adopted the use of the postMesssage method. For more detailed information about how to use the postMessage method to bypass the error, click on the link that follows: 


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