SharinPix DocumentationFAQMisc QuestionsI have a problem with SharinPix mobile app. What should I do?

I have a problem with SharinPix mobile app. What should I do?

If you are having a problem with SharinPix mobile app, please check the following:

  1.   Camera and Location access rights on SharinPix.
  2.  If you have at least 5GB memory free on your device.
  3.  If the iOS/Android version of your device is up to date.

Click here for more information on the requirements needed for SharinPix App.

Check camera and location access rights on Android

To check for Camera and Location usage rights on android, go to your phone settings -> Apps -> Search SharinPix -> Go to Permissions -> Allow Camera and Location.

Check camera and location access rights on iOS

To check for Camera and Location access rights on iOS, go to settings -> Search SharinPix -> Allow Camera and Location.


If camera/location access, storage, and OS do not resolve the issue, refer to the article on how to report a bug.


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