I got an error message 'Please verify if SharinPix Sync Setting is active'. What should I do?
If you encounter an error message similar to Please verify if SharinPix Sync Setting is active
, this means that the Image Sync entry for the object is not active.
To reactivate the Image Sync setting for the object, follow the steps below:
- From the Setup, go to the Custom Metadata Types page.
- Next, click on Manage Records next to SharinPix Sync Setting.
- Click on Edit next to the object's Image Sync setting.
- Then, check the Active field and click save.

If the Active field is not available on the custom setting layout, follow the steps below to add the same:
- Go to the Custom Metadata Types page and click on SharinPix Sync Setting.
- Scroll down to the Page Layouts section and click on Edit next to SharinPix Sync Setting Layout.
- Add the Active field on the layout and save.
- Then, go to the object's Image Sync settings and verify if the Active field has been checked.
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