Tag Action does not work when uploading images using the SharinPix mobile app. What should I do?
By default, the SharinPix Tag Action is not triggered when uploading images using the SharinPix mobile app.
However, the same action can be performed using a workaround that includes leveraging the SharinPix Image Sync and SharinPix Transformation features in a Salesforce Flow to update the required field URL when the desired tag is applied.
The following section describes the steps needed to set up the above workaround.
Set up workaround for Tag Action when uploading images using the SharinPix mobile app
To set up an action similar to the Tag Action feature, follow the steps below:
- Set up the Image Sync feature (if not set up already) for the object you intend to use. For more information on how to set up Image Sync, refer to this article: Setup SharinPix Image Sync
- Next, set up the SharinPix Transformation feature so that it reflects your Tag Action configuration, that is, use the same field name, transformation (i.e., field value such as Fill to size, Pad to size), and value as per your Tag Action configuration.
Note: You should use the same SharinPix Sync Setting created in the previous step when configuring the transformation
This transformation will generate an image URL with the configured format. This URL is available on the image's corresponding SharinPix Image record.
Save the transformation when done. For more information about SharinPix Transformation and how they are configured, refer to the following article: SharinPix Transformation - get your images automatically resized!
- Once you configured the Image Sync and Transformation, create a Flow on the SharinPix Image object that will copy the URL generated from the SharinPix Image field to the desired object field as explained below:
- Create a record-triggered Flow.
Fill in the Configure Start modal as follows:
- Object: SharinPix Image
- Trigger the Flow When: A record is created or updated
- Condition Requirements: All Conditions Are Met (AND)
- Field: sharinpix__Tags__c
- Operator: Contains
- Value: main (or the technical name of the tag of your choice)
The previous step is where you specify the desired tag. In this scenario, we are using the main tag.
- Add an Update Triggering Records element.
- On the Update Triggering Record modal, enter the following information:
- Label: Update Account Record
- How to Find Records to Update and Set Their Values: Specify conditions to identify records, and set fields individually
- Object: Account
- In the Field Account Records section:
- Condition Requirements to Update Record: All Conditions Are Met (AND)
- Field: Id
- Operator: Equals
- Value: {!$Record.sharinpix__Account__c}
- In the Set Field Values for the Account Records section:
- For the Field, select the Account field in which you want to store the image URL generated by the tag action.
- For the Value, choose the field used in the SharinPix Transformation configuration.
- Click Done to save and activate the Flow.
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