SharinPix DocumentationFAQMisc QuestionsI got the error 'You do not have sufficient access right to merge albums.' when using the SharinPix Merge Album component. What should I do?

I got the error 'You do not have sufficient access right to merge albums.' when using the SharinPix Merge Album component. What should I do?

If you encounter the error message You do not have sufficient access right to merge albums. Please contact your System Administrator. when using the SharinPix Merge Album component, here is what you can do:

  1. Ensure that the user performing the merge action has been assigned to the SharinPix Lightning Components permission set.
  2. If the above did not resolve the issue, ensure that the user has access to the source record.


If you are using a converted lead record as the source record, you should ensure that the user has view and edit access on the converted lead. Such access can be granted using the View and edit converted lead records permission using a Salesforce permission set.

For more information on how to grant the View and edit converted lead records permission, kindly refer to this Salesforce article:

Let Users View and Edit Converted Leads


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