SharinPix DocumentationFAQMisc QuestionsUser receiving error message 'You do not have access to the Apex class named 'SharinPixLightningController' when trying to access a SharinPix component. What should I do?

User receiving error message 'You do not have access to the Apex class named 'SharinPixLightningController' when trying to access a SharinPix component. What should I do?

Error messages such as 'You do not have access to the Apex class named 'SharinPixLightningController'' (or another class name: 'You do not have access to Apex class name [ApexClassName]') mostly occur when a non-admin user try to access a SharinPix component. 

This is due to the following Salesforce critical update: Restrict Access to @AuraEnabled Apex Methods for Authenticated Users Based on User Profile

To resolve this, simply assign the permission set named SharinPix Lightning Components to the user encountering this error message. The SharinPix Lightning Component permission set gives access to SharinPix's Apex classes.

This will be automatically activated in August 2020 unless otherwise stated by Salesforce.


If the permission set SharinPix Lightning Components is not available, kindly update your SharinPix package. You can refer to the following article for more information about how to update the SharinPix package:

How to update SharinPix package from the AppExchange?


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