SharinPix DocumentationFAQMisc QuestionsSharinPix app link directs to Google Play Store instead of the SharinPix app on Android 12. What should I do?

SharinPix app link directs to Google Play Store instead of the SharinPix app on Android 12. What should I do?

The recent app verification changes made by Google on the latest Android versions may cause the SharinPix mobile app universal links starting with the following formats to not work as expected:

Kindly note that this has already been resolved in the latest version of the app. Please update from the Google Play Store.

Other workarounds to resolve this issue are to either:

  1.  Modify your implementation to use the SharinPix deeplink sharinpix://upload?token=... instead of the SharinPix universal link.
  2.  Or change the SharinPix app settings on the user's device directly. This approach does not require changes to your current SharinPix implementation. To set up this workaround, follow the steps below:
    • On the user's device, open the App info for the SharinPix mobile app:
  • Next, tap on Open by default:
  • Then, tap on Add link:
  • To finish, select and choose Add:


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