SharinPix Webhook Payload
This article gives examples of the different payloads available for events specified in SharinPix Webhook. These events are:
For more information about the events listed above, please refer to the following:
New image
The SharinPix Webhook Payload for the New image event is as shown below:
id: f37e01b7-942c-4179-bfd0-0cccf4700328 public_id: f37e01b7-942c-4179-bfd0-0cccf4700328 metadatas: {} width: 3786 height: 4733 rotation: 0 gps: size: 1526906 format: jpg original_url: <Image's original URL> filename: NorthBuilding created_at: '2020-08-12T08:18:57.549+02:00' taken_at: infos: format: jpg page: 1 group_id: exifs: DateTimeOriginal: processed: true processing_error: album_id: 0WOB0000000YsjGOAS thumbnails: full: <URL displaying image in full format> large: <URL displaying image in large format> mini: <URL displaying image in mini format>
In the payload above, information regarding the newly added image is given such as, its ID, dimensions, format, album ID as well as related thumbnail URLs.
Processed image
The SharinPix Webhook Payload for the Processed image event is as shown below:
id: 26e19efc-5bdf-4534-890e-df44e26975f8 public_id: 26e19efc-5bdf-4534-890e-df44e26975f8 metadatas: sharinpix_mobile_app_url: <Mobile app URL> sharinpix_mobile_app_job_id: <Mobile app job ID> sharinpix_mobile_app_batch_id: <Mobile app batch ID> sharinpix_mobile_app_media_id: <Mobile app media ID> sharinpix_mobile_app_device_id: <Mobile app device ID> width: 3024 height: 4032 rotation: 0 gps: - -20.30993611111111 - 57.486961111111114 size: 2771157 format: jpg original_url: <Image's original URL> filename: 4C1D0F5B-4F40-40FB-9C23-0B56B3DAB8D7 created_at: '2021-11-12T13:23:15.327+01:00' taken_at: '2021-11-12T17:21:55.000+01:00' infos: format: jpg page: 1 group_id: exifs: DateTimeOriginal: '2021-11-12T16:21:55.000Z' processed: true processing_error: album_id: <Album ID> thumbnails: full: <Image full URL> large: <Image large URL> mini: <Image mini URL>
New tag image
The New tag image event is triggered when images are tagged with either pre-defined tags or any tags. The payload is as follows:
id: da40f34c-5e88-454c-bfe0-d69411261602 tag: id: '09078003-4dd2-4ad8-ae8c-536aaa7017b3' name: Villa label: '{"en":"Villa","fr":"Villa"}' image: id: 8399c579-c037-451f-88ad-4d03e2aa02cd public_id: 8399c579-c037-451f-88ad-4d03e2aa02cd metadatas: {} width: 4288 height: 2848 rotation: 0 gps: size: 1412814 format: jpg original_url: <Image's original URL> filename: NorthBuilding created_at: '2020-06-30T09:19:25.882+02:00' taken_at: infos: format: jpg page: 1 group_id: exifs: DateTimeOriginal: processed: true processing_error: album_id: 001B000001KKHZeIAP thumbnails: full: <URL displaying image in full format> large: <URL displaying image in full format> mini: <URL displaying image in full format> user: public_id: <User's public ID> fullname: <User's fullname> email: <User's email> username: <Username> sfid: <User's Salesforce ID>
The above payload provides information about the tag, the tagged image and the user who applied the tag.
Delete image
The Delete image event's payload provides information about the deleted image as shown below:
id: f37e01b7-942c-4179-bfd0-0cccf4700328 public_id: f37e01b7-942c-4179-bfd0-0cccf4700328 metadatas: {} width: 3786 height: 4733 rotation: 0 gps: size: 1526906 format: jpg original_url: <Image's original URL> filename: NorthBuilding created_at: '2020-08-12T08:18:57.549+02:00' taken_at: infos: format: jpg page: 1 group_id: exifs: DateTimeOriginal: processed: true processing_error: album_id: 0WOB0000000YsjGOAS thumbnails: full: <URL displaying image in full format> large: <URL displaying image in large format> mini: <URL displaying image in mini format>
Delete tag image
The Delete tag image event's payload provides information about the removed tag, the image for which tag has been omitted as well as information about the user who performed the action. The payload is presented below:
id: 3f5d46b6-bdf0-4cd5-aa00-a7b4cb590857 tag: id: 9c3ba3d4-9c45-414d-99ce-43dabf845ae7 name: main label: '{"en":"main","fr":"main"}' image: id: 8399c579-c037-451f-88ad-4d03e2aa02cd public_id: 8399c579-c037-451f-88ad-4d03e2aa02cd metadatas: {} width: 4288 height: 2848 rotation: 0 gps: size: 1412814 format: jpg original_url: <Image's original URL> filename: NorthBuilding created_at: '2020-06-30T09:19:25.882+02:00' taken_at: infos: format: jpg page: 1 group_id: exifs: DateTimeOriginal: processed: true processing_error: album_id: 001B000001KKHZeIAP thumbnails: full: <URL displaying image in full format> large: <URL displaying image in large format> mini: <URL displaying image in mini format> user: public_id: <User's public ID> fullname: <User's fullname> email: <User's email> username: <Username> sfid: <User's Salesforce ID>
Upload done
An example of the Upload done event's payload for image upload via a mobile device is given below:
app_url: sharinpix://upload?token=<The SharinPix Token>
count: 1
platform: mobile
album_id: 0WOB0000000YsjGOAS
image_ids: 59d6ec21-617a-438b-8913-b0d598f88850
The payload consists of:
- app_url: Provides the deeplink to the SharinPix app
- count: Gives the number of images captured
- platform: Indicates whether the images were captured from the web or a mobile device. In this case the image was uploaded using a mobile device
- album_id: Gives the album ID
- image_ids: Gives the public IDs of the images captured
The payload obtained for an Upload Done event when images are uploaded via the web differs slightly as shown below:
count: 1 platform: web album_id: 003B000000HhRRnIAN image_ids: 153ac9da-3a3f-4e74-a839-3e5515349a9b
New einstein prediction
The Einstein prediction event's payload is as shown below:
einstein_model_id: 3c0a9f99-3f4a-4951-bc7a-6bdcd46cfd13 probability: - probability: 0.99653995 label: car - probability: 0.0034591604 label: truck - probability: 9.0841826e-07 label: moto status: completed image_id: 89919357-7324-4abe-8982-ca48fa2bd327 model_id: a042400000Ns4HdAAJ type: image-classification message:
The payload provides information about the model, the image ID as well as the calculated probabilities.
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