SharinPix Custom Translation

SharinPix allows you to create your own custom label with the custom language.

1. To make this work you have to add this in your token.

for example: 

translations: '<<Link>>' (Insert link towards JSON file).

locale: ko (Mandatory to add in the token else default translation will be applied)

2. The URL (JSON File ) should be a public link.

Example how to configure your SharinPix token:

  "path": "/pagelayout/003240000046yLAWWW",
  "abilities": {
    "003240000046yLAWWW": {
      "Access": {
        "see": true,
        "image_list": true,
        "image_delete": true,
        "image_upload": true
  "translations": "",
  "locale": "ko"
Click to copy

Below is an example of the JSON:

    "fr": {
        "fallback": "fr-fr",
        "data": {
          "pagelayout.dropzone": "Glissez vos fichiers ici ou cliquez pour en ajouter.",
          "pagelayout.add": "Ajouter"
    "en": {
        "fallback": "en-us",
        "data": {
          "pagelayout.dropzone": "Drop files here or click to upload.",
          "pagelayout.add": "Add"
    "it": {
        "fallback": "en-us",
        "data": {
          "pagelayout.dropzone": "Trascina qui il file oppure clicca su upload.",
          "pagelayout.add": "Aggiungi"
    "ko": {
        "fallback": "en-us",
        "data": {
          "pagelayout.dropzone": "여기에 파일을 놓거나 클릭하여 업로드하세요.",
          "pagelayout.add": "추가하기"
Click to copy

fallback is reverting to the translation if in case there is missing data.


In the demo example we are translating the language to french

Before we apply the JSON:

    "fr": {
        "fallback": "fr-fr",
        "data": {
          "pagelayout.dropzone": "Glissez vos fichiers ici ou cliquez pour en ajouter.",
          "pagelayout.add": "Ajouter"
Click to copy

After we applied the JSON:


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