Using your personalized Search
- In this article, we will see how it is possible to personalize the search when using the SharinPix Image Search.
- You can rely on that entry in our Github account to deploy and play with this sample on any of your Salesforce orgs:
The SharinPix Image Search query is a simple Elasticsearch query. You can find more information about Elasticsearch query by clicking here.
The following sections demonstrate how to use the SharinPix Album to perform a personalized search and display all the images present on the Contact records that are related to a particular Account record. This can be done by either using a SharinPix Canvas App or by embedding the SharinPix component inside an Iframe.
Therefore, you will need:
- an Apex Class Controller that will build the query and generate the token.
- a Visualforce Page that will embed the Canvas App or the Iframe.
Apex Class Controller
- The implementation for the Apex Class Controller can be found below.
public class SharinPixDemoAccountContactsSearchCtrl {
private Map<String, Object> params;
private sharinpix.Client clientInstance = sharinpix.Client.getInstance();
public SharinPixDemoAccountContactsSearchCtrl(ApexPages.StandardController stdCtrl) {
Id accountId = stdCtrl.getId();
List<Contact> contacts = [SELECT Id FROM Contact WHERE AccountId = :accountId];
String queryStr = '';
for (Contact contact : contacts) {
queryStr += '"' + contact.Id + '" ';
params = new Map<String, Object> {
'path' => '/search?search_bar=false',
'q' => queryStr,
'download' => true,
'download_filename' => 'my_zip_filename',
'download_filenames' => 'inside_the_zip-00001'
public String getParameters() {
return JSON.serialize(params);
public String getSearchUrl() {
return clientInstance.token(params);
- A query is constructed by concatenating several Contact record Ids, separated by a single white-space. This query is meant to search for all Contact Objects that are related to the corresponding Account object.
- The code snippet below shows how the query is represented in code.
String queryStr = '';
for (Contact contact : contacts) {
queryStr += '"' + contact.Id + '" ';
Search Refinement
There are multiple ways to refine the search by modifying the parameter q. This permits you to:
- Search for images in one or more specific albums
- Search for images having specific tags
- Search for images taken on specific dates.
The following examples demonstrate how to refine the search:
Search for images found in specific albums
- Suppose we have albums with IDs albumID, albumID 1 and albumID 2 and we want to search for images found only in albumID and albumID 1. To do so, we have to modify the parameter q as shown below:
Map<String, Object> query = new Map<String, Object>();
query.put('q', queryStr);
params = new Map<String, Object> {
'path' => '/search?search_bar=false',
'q' => '"albumID" "albumID 1"',
'download' => true,
'download_filename' => 'my_zip_filename',
'download_filenames' => 'inside_the_zip-00001'
Double quotes are used for text with spaces. They are optional if no spaces are contained.
For example:
'q' => '"albumID" "albumID 1"',
could have been written as 'q' => 'albumID "albumID 1"',
Search for images having specific tags
- Suppose we want to search only for images with tags names Tag1, we have to modify the parameter q in the code as shown below:
params = new Map<String, Object> {
'path' => '/search?search_bar=false',
'q' => 'tags:(+('+queryStr+') +("Tag1"))',
'download' => true,
'download_filename' => 'my_zip_filename',
'download_filenames' => 'inside_the_zip-00001'
- Suppose we want to search only for images with tags names Tag1 and Tag 2, we have to modify the parameter q in the code as shown below:
params = new Map<String, Object> {
'path' => '/search?search_bar=false',
'q' => 'tags:(+('+queryStr+') +("Tag1" AND "Tag 2"))',
'download' => true,
'download_filename' => 'my_zip_filename',
'download_filenames' => 'inside_the_zip-00001'
- You can also search for images with either Tag1 or Tag 2 using the code snippet below:
params = new Map<String, Object> {
'path' => '/search?search_bar=false',
'q' => 'tags:(+('+queryStr+') +("Tag1" OR "Tag 2"))',
'download' => true,
'download_filename' => 'my_zip_filename',
'download_filenames' => 'inside_the_zip-00001'
Search for tagged images found in specific albums
- The example below shows how you can refine the search in order to search for images having tag Tag1 in albums with IDs albumID and albumID 1 only.
Map<String, Object> query = new Map<String, Object>();
query.put('q', queryStr);
params = new Map<String, Object> {
'path' => '/search?search_bar=false',
'q' => 'tags:(+("albumID" "albumID 1") +("Tag1"))',
'download' => true,
'download_filename' => 'my_zip_filename',
'download_filenames' => 'inside_the_zip-00001'
Search for images taken on specific dates from specific albums
- The following example demonstrates how you can enhance the search criteria to specifically look for images taken on certain dates from 'Jan 01, 2024' to 'Feb 01, 2024' within albums with IDs albumID 1 and albumID 2 only.
List<String> ids = ['albumID 1', 'albumID 2']; String queryStr = '("albumID 1" "albumID 2") AND taken_at:[2024-01-01 TO 2024-02-01]'; params = new Map<String, Object> { 'path' => '/search?search_bar=false', 'q' => queryStr, 'download' => true, 'download_filename' => 'my_zip_filename', 'download_filenames' => 'inside_the_zip-00001' };
Enable download and zipping
It is possible to download the search image results into a zipped folder through the use of the following parameters.
- (true or false ) enable or disable the download feature. -
- specify the name of the downloaded image file (only 1 image) -
- specify the name format of the downloaded image files (multiple images)
For more information about how to personalize the download filenames, refer to the following article:
Multiple Image download (ZIP) - How to personalize the download filenames
params = new Map<String, Object> {
'path' => '/search?search_bar=false'
'q' => queryStr,
'download' => true,
'download_filename' => 'my_zip_filename',
'download_filenames' => 'inside_the_zip-00001'
Visualforce Page
- The code snippet below shows the implementation of the Visualforce Page used to display the search results on a SharinPix Album.
<apex:page standardController="Account" extensions="SharinPixDemoAccountContactsSearchCtrl"
showHeader="false" sidebar="false">
<!-- Use either -->
<apex:canvasApp developerName="Albums" width="100%" height="500px" parameters="{! parameters }"/>
<!-- or -->
<iframe id="iframeId" width="100%" height="500px" style="border: 0;" src=""></iframe>
document.getElementById('iframeId').onload = function() {
this.contentWindow.postMessage({ token: "{! searchUrl }" }, '');
In the code snippet above, SharinPix makes a reference to the postMessage method when using an Iframe.
For more information about the postMessage method and how SharinPix uses it, you can refer to the following article:
Using a SharinPix component in an Iframe (Developer-oriented)
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