SharinPix Mobile App: Global Configuration
The SharinPix mobile app has 3 configuration levels:
- By making use of Deeplink parameters.
- By making use of the Settings screen on the SharinPix mobile app itself.
- By configuring the mobile app's global parameters as described in the following sections.
The SharinPix Mobile app global parameters enable the customization of the SharinPix mobile app. The parameters currently available are:
- checklist_order
- checklist_reload
- auto_destroy_after
- incomplete_checklist_alert_text
- incomplete_form_alert_text
- team
- exit_page_text_ios (This parameter only applies to iOS devices)
- compression
- await_upload
- confirm
- watermark
- target_size
- scan_as
- units
- roll_limit
- allow_file_export
- allow_auto_file_export
- required
- snapsay_language
- submit_after
This article explains how to configure the above parameters in your Organization.
Changes to the SharinPix mobile app global configuration can take some time to be deployed to your device when offline.
The SharinPix app will keep its current configuration in the cache for at least an hour. So, if you open the app with a token while you're online, the new configuration will be automatically applied if it has been more than an hour since the last update. You can force the app to update its local configuration by going to the Settings page (tap on the top-right cog icon when you open the app).
You can ensure the app settings have been updated by looking at the last updated date and time at the bottom of the Settings page.
Set up the parameters on your Organization
The SharinPix mobile parameters can be configured on the SharinPix Global Settings as explained in the following steps.
1. To access the SharinPix Global Settings, from your Org:
- Using App Launcher, search for SharinPix Settings
- On the SharinPix Settings tab, click on the Go to administration dashboard button to open the global settings
2. Once on the SharinPix Global Settings:
- click on Settings from the top menu bar
- Next, click on the Edit Organization button
- The SharinPix mobile app parameters can be viewed and edited in the Mobile app config section as shown below:
- To add a parameter, select the action menu icon then, click on Append as depicted below:
The example below depicts how the mobile app config section looks like after the parameters have been added:
The maximum number of images that can be added to a batch (a capture session) is usually 100, after which you will see an error message. You can add another 100 if you open the app again after submitting the previous one.
It is not recommended to add more than 100 images per batch. However, if you really wish to do so, please contact us and we will increase the limit.
Configure the checklist_order parameter
The checklist_order parameter can be used to preserve the checklist order. This parameter takes two values:
- auto: Applying this value does not preserve the checklist's order. In this case, when a tag is applied from the checklist, the corresponding row is sent to the bottom of the list on the SharinPix app.

- preserve: This value is used to preserve the checklist order. Here, when a tag is applied from the checklist, the tag entry in the checklist remains in place, it is not sent to the bottom of the list.

The following code snippet shows how to configure the checklist_order parameter to preserve or auto in the Mobile app config section:
- preserve:
"checklist_order": "preserve"
- auto:
"checklist_order": "auto"
Here's an example of how the checklist_order parameter should look in the Mobile app config section:
Configure the checklist_reload parameter
This parameter can be used when using a checklist with form features if checklist_order is not set to preserve. When filling form fields in a checklist with form features, the checklist is not automatically reordered when an item changes from incomplete to complete or from complete to incomplete. To reorder the checklist, the user needs to click a reorder button. To reorder the checklist automatically, set the checklist_reload parameter to auto. When set to auto the reload button is not displayed anymore.
"checklist_reload": "auto"
Configure the auto_destroy_after parameter
The auto_destroy_after parameter automatically deletes your images and form checklist data from the mobile app once they are marked as processed after a pre-defined amount of time. The Job record, which groups all media to upload to a specific Salesforce record, will still be available for an additional eight hours; however, it will be empty. New images can still be uploaded using the same job until it expires. Adding new media will extend the lifespan of the job record.
By default, if this parameter is not set, the images and form checklist data will be deleted 10 days after they are marked as processed.
The value used for this parameter should be equal to the number of seconds before the images and form checklist data are removed. For example, if you want your images and form checklist data removed after 5 minutes, the auto_destroy parameter should be configured as follows: "auto_destroy_after": 300
The auto_destroy_after parameter also accepts the following special values:
- 0: When using 0 as the value, the images and form checklist data are removed once they are marked as processed. Here, no lapse of time is given for the deletion. The syntax is as follows:
"auto_destroy_after": 0
- -1: A value of -1 means that the images and form checklist data will not be deleted. Here is the syntax is:
"auto_destroy_after": -1
Here's an example of how the auto_destroy_after parameter should look in the Mobile app config section:
Configure the incomplete_checklist_alert_text parameter
The incomplete_checklist_alert_text parameter can be used to add a personalized alert in cases where users attempt to submit images without completing a checklist.
The following code snippet shows how to configure the incomplete_checklist_alert_text parameter with your own personalized text:
"incomplete_checklist_alert_text": "Please fill the missing task(s) before submission"

The following placeholders can also be used with the incomplete_checklist_alert_text parameter:
- <COUNT>: The <COUNT> will be replaced by the number of tags with less images than the minimum count specified for the tag.
"incomplete_checklist_alert_text": "Missing <COUNT> tasks. Please fill the task(s)."
will be displayed as follows on the SharinPix mobile app:

<LIST_INCOMPLETE>: This value will be replaced by a list of tags which has either less images than the minimum count specified for the tag or an unfilled required field for the tag.
"incomplete_checklist_alert_text": "Missing <COUNT> tasks. Please fill the following task(s). <LIST_INCOMPLETE>"
An empty string: Inserting an empty string will omit the alert message when attempting to submit an incomplete checklist. For example, configuring the incomplete_checklist_alert_text parameter as follows:
"incomplete_checklist_alert_text": ""
will not display any alert message when submitting an incomplete checklist.
Configure the incomplete_form_alert_text parameter
The incomplete_form_alert_text parameter can be used to add a personalized alert in cases where users attempt to submit a checklist with form features without filling any required form-field for any tag.
"incomplete_form_alert_text": "Please fill all form fields before submitting."
will be displayed as follows on the SharinPix mobile app:
The following placeholders can also be used for the incomplete_form_alert_text parameter:
<LIST_INCOMPLETE>: This value will be replaced by a list of tags which has either less images than the minimum count specified for the tag or an unfilled required field for the tag.
"incomplete_form_alert_text": "<COUNT> fields are unfilled. Please fill the following before submitting. <LIST_INCOMPLETE>"
<COUNT>: The <COUNT> value refers to the number tags with an unfilled required form-field in the checklist. For example, the following configuration
"incomplete_form_alert_text": "<COUNT> fields are unfilled. Please fill to submit."
Configure the team parameter
The team parameter allows the user to view images already uploaded to the album the checklist relates to. This includes images uploaded live to the same record and checklists by other users.
The following code snippet shows how to configure the team parameter:
"team": true
This parameter takes two values:
- true: Used to show the user to see the online images on the checklist page
": true
- false: Default behaviour - will only show the images present locally on the device.
": false
- To retrieve the images you should make sure your token has at least the abilities: "see", "image_list" and "tags>read".
- The necessary ability is required in the token so that it can access those tag images in the album.
- To configure the team checklist token abilities, you can either:
- Create a SharinPix Permission with all required team checklist abilities and assign it to your component as explained here (admin-friendly method).
- Programmatically configure the token as demonstrated in the code snippet available in this article (developer-oriented method) if you are using a custom component. Note: For some custom components, you can directly pass a SharinPix Permission ID to provide the correct Team Checklist token abilities.
Configure the exit_page_text_ios parameter
The exit_page_text_ios parameter can be used to personalize and associate a text to the SharinPix mobile app's back button on iOS devices. Since iOS does not allow us to close the app automatically, this text can guide the user on the way to proceed.
The following code snippet shows how to configure the exit_page_text_ios parameter with your own personalized text:
"exit_page_text_ios": "Use <Salesforce above to return to Account."
It will be displayed as follows on the SharinPix mobile app:

Here's an example of how it looks like in the Mobile app config section:
The ret_url parameter allows users to return to a specific external app (for example, Salesforce app or Salesforce Field Service app) from the SharinPix mobile app. This parameter can be configured in deeplinks.
For more information on the ret_url parameter and on how it is configured, refer to the following article:
Configure the compression parameter
The compression parameter can be used to dictate the SharinPix mobile app to compress the captured images or not. Compressing the images taken by the SharinPix mobile app accelerates the upload and does not impact on the image quality.
The following code snippet shows how to configure the compression parameter:
"compression": false
This parameter accepts two values:
- true: When set to true, the SharinPix mobile app will perform the compression of images. (Note: The compression is set to true by default. Therefore, if not specified, image compression will take place.)
"compression": true
- false: When set to false, the mobile app will not compress the captured images.
"compression": false
Configure the await_upload parameter
The await_upload parameter can be used to show the upload progress after submitting images captured using the SharinPix mobile app or after submitting a checklist with form features.
This values that this parameter can take are as follows:
- checklist: Used to show the image upload progress and wait for completion before exiting when submitting a checklist with form features
"await_upload: "checklist"
- batch: Used to show the image upload progress and wait for completion before exiting when submitting a batch
"await_upload": "batch"
- none: Default behaviour - uploads will be done in the background
"await_upload": "none"
The await_upload parameter can also be configured in deeplinks. For more information on how to configure this parameter in a deeplink, refer to the following article:
Configure the confirm parameter
The confirm parameter is used to request confirmation from the user before the actual submission. A screen is shown with details of media to be submitted and the user can modify his input before finalizing the submission. The value for this parameter can be:
"confirm": "batch"
for showing the confirmation screen before batch submission.

The confirm parameter can also be configured in deeplinks. For more information on how to configure this parameter in a deeplink, refer to the following article:
Configure the watermark parameter
The watermark parameter is used to set up and display watermarks on images captured from the SharinPix mobile app.
The following code snippet shows how to configure the watermark parameter:
"watermark": "Hello World"

The watermark is also available on the image when uploaded to the SharinPix album as depicted below:
Watermark Configuration with Date/Time and Location
The watermark parameter can be configured so as to also display the date/time and location at which the image was captured as demonstrated below:
watermark: "Job-1 taken at <TIMESTAMP><LF>Location: <LAT>, <LON>"
The date/time and location can be configured using the following syntax:
- <TIMESTAMP> : Returns the datetime in the format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss Z
- <LF> : Referring to Line Feed and used to add a new line.
- <LAT> : Returns the latitude.
- <LON> : Returns the longitude.
The picture below depicts a photo captured using the SharinPix mobile app with the following watermark parameter:
watermark: "Job-12 taken at <TIMESTAMP><LF>Location: <LAT>, <LON>"

In the above example:
- The <TIMESTAMP> returned the date/time 2022-07-03 22:17:13-0400.
- The <LAT> returned the latitude 43.6699136.
- The <LON> returned the longitude -79.3903104.
The watermark parameter can also be configured in deeplinks. For more information on how to configure this parameter in a deeplink, refer to the following article:
- Configuring the watermark parameter at this level, that is, at the SharinPix Global Settings, will be applied by default to all images captured by the SharinPix mobile app. This configuration will override all watermark configurations performed at the deeplink level.
- If images are selected from the roll while the watermark parameter is enabled, only jpeg images will preserve their exifs.
Configure the target_size parameter
The target_size parameter can be used to dictate the SharinPix mobile app to capture images with a specific image resolution. Capturing images with low resolution does affect the image quality but can reduce the storage size and accelerate the upload of images.
The following code snippet shows how to configure the target_size parameter:
"target_size": 1920
Using this parameter does not mean that the resolution of the images will be exactly what you have specified when configuring. It is up to the mobile operating system to choose the closest supported resolution.
iOS will choose the highest resolution from the following ordered list that is lower or equal to the target_size specified:
- 3840 x 2160 (>= 3840)
- 1920 x 1080 (>= 1920) Example target_size to use this 1920 x 1080: 2000
- 1280 x 720 (>= 1280) Example target_size to use 1280 x 720: 1500
- 640 x 480 (>= 640)
- 352 x 288 (>= 352)
Unlike iOS, different Android phones have different possible resolutions that can be used to capture images. It is up to the system to choose the resolution closest to the target_size specified. In some cases, it may be higher than the target_size specified.
Configure the scan_as parameter
The scan_as parameter can be used to save the output for the scan files as images or pdf. As the default behaviour, one scan will be saved as an image and multiple scans will be saved as a pdf.
The following code snippet shows how to configure the scan_as parameter:
"scan_as": "image"
The parameter scan_as takes two values:
- image - Setting the value to image will save the scan files as images on the SharinPix mobile app.
"scan_as": "image"
- pdf - Setting the value to pdf will save the scan files as images on the SharinPix mobile app.
"scan_as": "pdf"
The scan_as parameter can also be configured in deeplinks. For more information on how to configure this parameter in a deeplink, refer to the following article:
Configure the units parameter
The units parameter is used to configure the measurement units that are available when annotating images with numerical values. This is available on arrows and double arrows. They can be used to automatically add SI units (e.g. ft and in) to the numbers users type. If the units parameter is not configured in the Global Settings, the default units will be as shown in the screen capture below.
The following code snippet shows an example of how to configure the units parameter:
"units": ["m","mm","cm"]
The parameter units take the measurement units as an array of values.
Configure the roll_limit parameter
The roll_limit parameter is used to configure the maximum number of images that can be chosen from the roll. The value of the roll_limit parameter cannot exceed 100, which is the maximum possible number of images per batch or capture session.
If the roll_limit parameter is not configured, the maximum number of images that can be chosen from the roll is 30 by default.
The following code snippet shows an example of how to configure the roll_limit parameter:
"roll_limit": 50
If you wish to have a higher limit than 100, contact us to discuss the use case.
Increasing the roll_limit may affect the performance of the application on some devices.
Configure the allow_file_export parameter
The allow_file_export parameter allows the export of images or media files from the SharinPix app to the device's storage. For more information on different export options, refer to the following article: Export media to internal storage.
This parameter accepts two values:
- true: When set to true, the export functionality becomes accessible.
"allow_file_export": true
- false: When set to false, the export functionality is unavailable. (If no value is specified, the flag defaults to false.)
"allow_file_export": false
Configure the allow_auto_file_export parameter
The allow_auto_file_export parameter is used to export all images or media files from the SharinPix app including those selected from the roll to the device's storage. For more information on allow_auto_file_export, refer to the following article: Automatic file export
This parameter accepts two values:
- true: When set to true, all images or media files will be automatically exported to the device's storage.
"allow_auto_file_export": true
- false: When set to false, no images or media files will be exported. (If no value is specified, the flag defaults to false.)
"allow_auto_file_export": false
if the auto_destroy_after parameter is set to zero, the ability to export files is restricted. The auto_destroy_after parameter controls the automatic deletion of files from the mobile app media once they are marked as processed after a specified period. If this parameter is configured to retain files only until needed (set to zero), the allow_file_export or allow_auto_file_export functionality will be disabled to prevent unauthorized file export.
Configure the required parameter
The required parameter allows a user to set a field as mandatory on a media record from the SharinPix mobile app. For example, the title can be required on the each image taken on the SharinPix mobile app. The following code snippet shows an example of how to configure the required parameter for title field.
"required": ["title"]
This required parameter takes an array of string, representing the fields to be set as mandatory. For example:
"required": ["title", "description"]
This parameter accepts the following values:
- title
- description
Configure the snapsay_language parameter
The snapsay_language parameter forces the Snap & Say language on iOS. This parameter accepts a language code as its value.
The following code snippet shows how to configure the snapsay_language parameter:
"snapsay_language": "en-US"
For more information on the Snap & Say supported languages and language codes, please refer to this link: Supported languages
Configure the submit_after parameter
The submit_after parameter automatically submits a batch once a defined number of media is reached. The value specified by this parameter defines the threshold at which the SharinPix app automatically submits the batch without manual intervention.
This parameter accepts a number that represents the number of media required to trigger the automatic submission.
The following code snippet shows how to configure the submit_after parameter:
"submit_after": 10
Above with the submit_after set to 10, the batch will automatically be submitted after 10 media are added. Once this value is reached, the batch is submitted without any further action from the user.
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