SharinPix Token Viewer
The SharinPix Token Viewer component permits the user to open any component using a token.
The SharinPix Token Viewer component works only with the SharinPix Online Tokens.
For more information on the type of SharinPix Tokens, refer to the following article: Working with SharinPix Tokens
This feature is only available on Lightning. It can be used:
- On Page Builder
- On Desktop
- On Mobile
- On Community Builder
Getting Started
To use the SharinPix Token Viewer component, you simply need to drag and drop the component from the Lightning App Builder onto your page layout.

Lightning Component Parameters

- Token Field API Name: The API name of the field containing the SharinPix token.
- SharinPix Secured Token Name: The name of the 'SharinPix Secured Token' Custom Metadata configured for the token viewer component. More information on how to configure the SharinPix Secured Token below.
- Height: Used to specify the component's height. The default height is 500 (px).
If the SharinPix Secured Token Name is set, the Token Field API Name is ignored.
SharinPix Secured Token Setting
SharinPix Secured Token will be used to be able to create a token that expires. The expired token will be used on the token viewer component. => Using SharinPix Secured Token, the Token Viewer component will not use the token stored in the Salesforce field directly, but will instead use it to generate a new one that expires. This adds a layer of security as the token stored on Salesforce, which may be non-expiring, is not exposed in the user's browser.
Steps to configure the SharinPix Secured Token:
- Go to Salesforce Setup
- Open Custom Metadata Types
- Click on Manage Records for SharinPix Secured Token Custom metadata type
- Insert a label and name
- For the Object name parameter, insert the object API name on which the SharinPix Token Viewer component has been added.
- For the Field name parameter, insert the field API name of the field containing the token to be expired.
- In the Expiration parameter, insert the amount of time in minutes for the token to live. The maximum allowed is 10080.
- Check the Active checkbox to activate the setting.

A token of the SharinPix Album has been generated and inserted in the field 'token' as shown below:
Learn how to generate tokens automatically.
The picture below depicts a SharinPix Album in the SharinPix Token Viewer component:
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