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SharinPix Mobile App: Track Mobile Users Uploading Photos From the SharinPix Mobile App

The SharinPix mobile app uses tokens to authenticate itself and upload photos that can be viewed on Salesforce. 

Since the app is built for offline use, the tokens are usually generated beforehand and stored in Salesforce fields on records. This allows multiple users to upload photos to a single Salesforce record. As such, the tokens cannot be tied to any specific user to avoid relating the user to all photos uploaded by anyone to the record. Thus, the tokens are "anonymous".

This article demonstrates how to keep track of the user uploading photos using "anonymous" tokens. The article covers how to:

  1. Configure the SharinPix Mobile Launcher component to retrieve the mobile user that performed the upload.
  2. Configure a deeplink (link to upload photos from the SharinPix mobile app) to retrieve the mobile user that performed the upload.


For more information on SharinPix tokens, refer to this documentation: Working with SharinPix Tokens


The user identifier will be saved on a SharinPix Image record. To enable the use of the SharinPix Image object, kindly ensure that the SharinPix Image Sync has been activated on the Salesforce object on which users are uploading photos.

For more information on SharinPix Image Sync, refer to this article: What is SharinPix Image Sync?

For steps on how to activate the SharinPix Image Sync on an object, refer to this article: Setup SharinPix Image Sync

Configure the SharinPix Mobile Launcher component to retrieve the mobile user information


For more details on the SharinPix Mobile Launcher component, refer to this documentation: SharinPix Mobile Launcher

To retrieve the mobile user that performed the upload using the SharinPix Mobile Launcher component, create a Screen Flow embedding the component as explained below:

1. Create a Screen Flow

2. Create a new Flow variable to retrieve the current record ID as follows:

  • Under the Manager tab, click on the New Resource button and fill in the fields as follows:
  • Resource Type: Variable
  • API Name: recordId
  • Description: Variable storing the current record ID.
  • Data Type: Text
  • Default Value: Select {!$GlobalConstant.False}
  • Availability Outside the Flow: Check Available for input

3. Next, add a Screen element after the Start element.

4. Configure the Screen Properties element as follows:

  • Label: screenMobileLauncher
  • Configure Header: Uncheck the Show Header checkbox
  • Configure Footer: Uncheck the Show Footer checkbox

5. Next drag and drop the SharinPix Mobile Launcher component onto the Screen and configure the component as indicated below:

  • API Name: mobileLauncher
  • Button Label: Takes Photos
  • Album ID: {!recordId}
  • Custom parameters: user_id={!$User.Id}


The value entered in the Custom parameters field keeps track of the current user using the SharinPix Mobile Launcher component to upload photos. The user ID is stored as file metadata on the uploaded photo and is used to retrieve the name of the user who uploaded the photo.

6. Configure all other SharinPix Mobile Launcher parameters as desired and click on Done.

7. Save and Activate the Flow when done.

8. Next, add the Flow component on the desired record page using the Lightning App Builder. Note: Ensure that the Pass record ID into variable checkbox is checked.


  • As the SharinPix Mobile Launcher component only work on mobile, it is a good practice to add a filter on the Flow to make the component only visible and accessible on the Salesforce mobile app.
  • For end users to access the Flow, ensure that they have the Run Flows permission assigned to them. For more information on how to grant the Run Flows permission, refer to this Salesforce article: Add Run Flows Permissions

Demo: See the Flow in Action

  • On the Salesforce mobile app, tap on the SharinPix Mobile Launcher component embedded to open the SharinPix mobile app. In our case, it is the Take Photos button below.
  • Upload some photos on the SharinPix mobile app.
  • Once the upload is completed, go to the related SharinPix Image record for the photo. The username of the mobile user who uploaded the photo is available in the field Uploaded By (Mobile User).

This section demonstrates how to configure a SharinPix deeplink to keep track of the mobile user uploading photos.

As this is a common Salesforce Field Service (SFS) use case, this section will focus on a SFS-oriented implementation. Please note that a similar implementation can be applied to a non-SFS context.

For this demo, we will use the Work Order object.

To capture the username of the field service mobile user opening the SharinPix mobile app to upload photos, proceed as follows:

1. Create a Flow of type Field Service Mobile Flow.

2. Go to the Manager tab and click on New Resource.

  • Resource Type: Variable
  • API Name: Enter Id
  • Data Type: Text
  • Default Value: {!$GlobalConstant.EmptyString}
  • Availability Outside the Flow: Available for input
  • Click Done

3. Go to the Manager tab again and click on New Resource.

  • Resource Type: Variable
  • API Name: WorkOrderRecord
  • Data Type: Record
  • Object: Work Order
  • Click Done

4. Add a Get Records element under the Start element. Configure the Get Records element as follows:

  • Label: lookupWorkOrder
  • Object: Work Order
  • Conditions: Id (Field) equals (operator) {!Id} (newly-created resource named Id)
  • In the How Many Records to Store, check the Only the first record option
  • In the Where to Store Field Values, check the Together in a record variable option
  • Then in the Select Variable to Store Work Order section, use the WorkOrderRecord variable for the Record field
  • In the Select Work Order Fields to Store in Variable section, click on Add Field and select the token field, that is, SharinPix_Token__c for this demo
  • Click Done

5. Go to the Manager tab and click on New Resource:

  • Resource Type: Variable
  • API Name: Launch_SharinPix_App
  • Data Type: Text
  • Default Value: <a href="sharinpix://upload?token={!WorkOrderRecord.SharinPix_Token__c}&user_id={!$User.Id}">Take Photos</a>
  • Click Done

6. Go to the Element tab and add a Screen element after the Get Records element. Configure the Screen element as follows.

  • Label: Mobile Launcher Screen
  • Add a Display Text component on the Screen.
  • Label the Display Text component as sharinpixDeeplink.
  • In the Resource Picker section, add the Launch_SharinPix_App variable.

7. Save and Activate the Flow when done.

8. Next, embed the Field Service Mobile Flow in an App Extension as demonstrated below.


For more information on how to embed a Field Service Mobile Flow in an App Extension, refer to the following link: Creation of an App Extension embedding a Field Service Mobile Flow

Demo: See the Field Service Mobile Flow in Action

  • On the Field Service Mobile app, open the Flow action
  • You are now inside the Flow. Select Take Pictures to launch the SharinPix app and upload photos.
  • Once the upload is completed, go to the related SharinPix Image record for the photo. The username of the mobile user who uploaded the photo is available in the field Uploaded By (Mobile User).


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