SharinPix Mobile App: Tag Pictures

This article demonstrates how to define and use the different tag types on the SharinPix mobile app.

Types of tags

The SharinPix mobile app can be configured with 3 types of tag parameters, namely:

  1. Tags (tags) : The tags paremeter takes a label as value(s) which will be then made available for selection in a menu.
  2. Default tags (default_tags): The default_tags parameter takes as value(s) a label that will be selected as the default tag for the captured photos.
  3. Auto tags (auto_tags): The auto_tags parameter takes as value(s) a label that will be automatically assigned to all photos captured by the app.

For more information on how to configure the above tag types in the SharinPix mobile app deeplink or URL, refer to the following article:

SharinPix mobile App : Deeplink syntax

1. Tags

Tags are are deselected by default and can be selected/deselected by the user. 

The screenshot below depicts how the tags are displayed on the SharinPix mobile app.

2. Default Tags

Default tags are selected by default and can be selected/deselected by the user. 

The screenshot below depicts how the default tags initially on the SharinPix mobile app. 

3. Auto Tags

Auto tags are automatically assigned to the photos which are taken and cannot be deselected by the user. The screenshot below depicts how the auto tags appear on the SharinPix mobile app.


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