Duplicate a SharinPix album using a Flow (Admin-Oriented)
This article demonstrates how to duplicate a SharinPix album using a Salesforce Flow.
For this demo, we will use the Lead and Opportunity objects.
The setup will be in such a way that when a Lead record is converted into an Opportunity, the Lead's album is duplicated to the Opportunity record.
The SharinPix package includes the Apex class DuplicateAlbum which is used to duplicate SharinPix albums.
Creation of the Flow
This section demonstrates how to create a Flow that invokes the Apex class, DuplicateAlbum to duplicate Lead albums onto converted Opportunity records.
To do so, follow the steps below:
- Go to Setup. In the Quick Find Box, type Flows.
- Under Process Automation, select Flows.
- Click on the New Flow button.
- Select the option Record-Triggered Flow, and click on the Create button.

- After clicking on Create, the Configure Start modal will be displayed. Fill in the modal as indicated below:
- Select Object: Lead
- Configure Trigger: A record is created or updated
- For the Set Entry Conditions section:
- Select All Conditions Are Met (AND)
- For the Field, select ConvertedOpportunityId
- Select Is Changed for the Equals parameter
- Select {!$GlobalConstant.True} for the Value parameter
When to Run the Flow for Updated Records: Every time a record is updated and meets the condition requirements
- Optimize the Flow for: Actions and Related Records
- Click on Done to save the configurations
- Next, add an Action element.

- On the Action modal, use the search bar to find the sharinpix__DuplicateAlbum Apex class.
- Click on sharinpix__DuplicateAlbum.
- On the Action modal for sharinpix__DuplicateAlbum, populate the fields as indicated below:
- Label: Duplicate Lead album
- Description: Enter a description (optional)
Destination Album ID: {!$Record.ConvertedOpportunityId}
- Note: This is a mandatory field and refers to the converted Opportunity ID.
Source Album ID: {!$Record.Id}
- Note: This is a mandatory field and refers to the current Lead ID.
Include tags (Optional): {!$GlobalConstant.True}
- Note: This is an additional variable that, when set to true, enables duplication of tags applied to the album's images as well. To activate the same in the Flow, select the Include toggle first, then set the value of the 'Include tags' parameter to True as indicated below.
- Click Done to save the Action configurations.
- Save the Flow and activate it.
To test the Flow:
- Go on a Lead record and upload some images to its corresponding SharinPix album
- Then, convert the Lead
- Go to the converted Opportunity record. The images previously uploaded on the Lead are now available on the converted Opportunity album
DEPRECATED: Creation of the Process Builder
This section demonstrates how to create a Process Builder that invokes the Apex class DuplicateAlbum to rename an album.
To do so, follow the steps below:
- Go to Setup. In the Quick Find Box, type Process Builder
- Under Process Automation, select Process Builder
- Click on New
- For the newly-created Process Builder:
- For the field, Process Name enter SharinPix Duplicate Lead To Opportunity Album
- Enter a description for the process (This step is optional)
- For the field, The process starts when, select A record changes
- Click Save
Once on the Process Builder editor:
- Click on Add Object
- For the field Object, select Lead
- For the field Start the process, choose when a record is created or edited
- Click on Save

- Next, click on Add Criteria
- For the field Criteria Name, enter On Lead to Opportunity conversion
- For the field Criteria for Executing Actions, select Conditions are met
- Inside the Set Conditions section
- Choose Converted Opportunity ID as the field
- Then, select Is Changed as the operator, Boolean as the type, and True as the value
- Leave the field Conditions as All of the conditions are met (AND)

- Next, click on Add Action
- For the Action Type, choose Apex
- For the Action Name, enter Duplicate Opportunity album
- For the Apex Class, select sharinpix__DuplicateAlbum
- Inside the Set Apex Variables:
- For the field Destination Album ID, choose Field Reference as the type. For the value, choose Converted Opportunity ID
- For the field Source Album ID, choose Field Reference as the type and Lead ID as the value
There is one additional variable available in the Set Apex Variables, namely, Include tags which, when set to true, enables duplication of tags applied to the album's images as well.
This variable is optional and can be accessed by clicking on the Add Row link inside the Set Apex Variables section.

- Click Save when done
You can now activate the Process Builder.
- The variables Source Album ID and Destination Album ID are compulsory and should therefore be filled in.
- The variable Include tags is optional and can therefore be ignored when not required.
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