SharinPix Transformations Examples
This article demonstrates the different types of transformations that can be applied to an image in a SharinPix Album.
Fill to Size
- Create an image with the exact given width and height while retaining the original aspect ratio. (height = width = 250 pixels)
Fit to Size
- The image is resized so that it takes up as much space as possible within a bounding box defined by the given width and height values. (height = width = 250 pixels)
Pad to Size
- Resize the image to fill the given width and height while retaining the original aspect ratio and with all of the original image visible. (height = width = 200 pixels)
Scale to Size
- Change the size of the image exactly to the given width and height without necessarily retaining the original aspect ratio. (height = width = 150 pixels)
Limit to size
- Limit the image's width and height to a specific value. If the image dimensions exceed the specified value(s), the image is down scaled to match the same. Else the image dimensions are retained. In the example below, the Limit to size value has been set to 250 pixels (height=width = 250 pixels) and the original image size is 300x300. Therefore, the image has been down scaled to a height and width of 250 pixels.