SharinPix Mobile App: Checklist with Form Features
The SharinPix Checklist with Form Features (also referred to as "Form Checklist") is an extension of the SharinPix Checklist feature. Form fields can be specified alongside the list of tags which users can fill and submit. Submission of such checklist will result in the creation or modification of a record in the SharinPix Checklist Result object on Salesforce.
In the following sections, you will learn:
SharinPix Checklist Result Permission
Assign the SharinPix Checklist Result Permission to the users. This permission set gives basic access to the SharinPix Checklist Result feature. Check out SharinPix Permission Sets for more information.
Opening a Checklist with Form Features on the SharinPix Mobile App
In order to open a checklist with form features on the SharinPix mobile app, a deeplink or universal link can be used with the checklist_ref parameter. The value for this parameter should be configured on the Org's mobile app global configuration.
When opening a checklist on the SharinPix mobile app with the checklist_ref parameter, the application will try to find a key, in the mobile app global configuration's checklists object, matching the checklist_ref value specified to load the checklist with the appropriate tags and form fields.
Example of a deeplink:
sharinpix://upload?token=<Your Token>&checklist_ref=building-inspection
Here, the application will try to find the "building-inspection" key in the checklists object.
- Matching of the checklist_ref parameter value with the checklists object keys is case sensitive.
- If no matching key is found, an error page will be displayed. See Errors section.
- If you are using the SharinPix Mobile Launcher, add the checklist_ref parameter in the Custom parameters of the Lightning component.
Mobile App Global Configuration
In your Org's mobile app global configuration:
Add a "checklists" key. The value for this key is an object. The keys for this object are the values that can be used for the checklist_ref parameter in deeplinks or universal links. Any number of keys can be added.
"checklists": {
"building-inspection": { ... },
"field-equipments": { ... }
The value for any key in the checklists object is another object with the following entries:
tags: An array of strings where each string represents a tag. A minimum count of images can be specified for each tag by adding "**<MIN_COUNT>" at the end of the tag name. If no minimum count is specified, the default will be one.
"tags": ["Fire Extinguisher", "Exit Doors**5", "Electrical Setup**0"]
Here three tags are specified. The tag "Fire Extinguisher" will have a minimum count of one since it was not specified, "Exit Doors" will have a minimum count of five, and "Electrical Setup" will have a minimum count of zero therefore optional.
- form: An array of Form-Field objects.
- The tags key is optional if the checklist parameter is used to launch SharinPix mobile app.
- The minimum count for a tag is the minimum number of images a user should take for that tag when filling the checklist. Failing to reach this count will trigger a warning message when submitting the checklist. However, the submission is not blocked and the user can confirm the submission. To prevent submission, the enforce_min_count parameter can be used.
- The form key is optional and if omitted, the checklist will be equivalent to a normal checklist without form features and Checklist Result records on Salesforce are not created if the configured checklist have no form fields or no form key.
The Form-Field object has the following entries:
- type: The form field type. Available options are: select.
- value: The name of the form field.
- optional: Boolean indicating whether the field is optional (not required) or not.
- options: An array of strings where each string represents an option if the type is select.
- default_option: A default pre-selected option if the type is select.
- The optional key can be omitted. When omitted, it is equivalent to setting optional to false
"optional": false
. - Failing to fill any required fields will trigger a warning message when submitting the checklist. However the submission is not blocked and the user can confirm the submission. The status of the checklist will also be incomplete. See the SharinPix Checklist Result Object section below for more information on the checklist status.
"checklists": {
"building-inspection": {
"tags": [
"Fire Extinguisher",
"Exit Doors**5",
"Electrical Setup**0",
"Electrical Panel**10",
"Charging Station"
"form": [
"type": "select",
"value": "status",
"optional": false,
"options": [
"default_option": ""
In this example, only one checklist is defined. The building-inspection checklist has five tags namely, Fire Extinguisher with a default minimum count of one, Exit Doors with a minimum count of five, Electrical Setup with a minimum count of zero, Electrical Panel with a minimum count of ten and Charging Station with a default minimum count of one. The checklist has one form-field of type select. The name of the field is status and it is required as optional is false. The status field has three options namely OK, KO, NA and it does not have a default option.
Additional Configurations
When a checklist is submitted without the minimum number of images specified for any tag, or without filling any required form-fields, a warning message is shown to the user. These messages can be configured on the Org's mobile app global config.
Two messages can be configured:
- incomplete_checklist_alert_text: This is the message shown when there are less images than the minimum count specified.
- incomplete_form_alert_text: This is the message shown when there are unfilled required fields.
Two placeholders can be used with these messages namely the "<COUNT>" placeholder and the "<LIST_INCOMPLETE>" placeholder.
- The "<COUNT>" placeholder will be replaced by either the number of tags with less images than the minimum count specified for the tag(when used in incomplete_checklist_alert_text) or the number of tags with unfilled required form-fields(when used in incomplete_form_alert_text) depending in which message it is used.
- The "<LIST_INCOMPLETE>" placeholder will be replaced by a list of tags which has either less images than the minimum count specified for the tag or an unfilled required field for the tag.
"incomplete_checklist_alert_text": "The following <COUNT> items are incomplete. <LIST_INCOMPLETE>",
"incomplete_form_alert_text": "<COUNT> form fields have not been filled.",
"checklists": {
"building-inspection": {
"tags": [
"Fire Extinguisher",
"Exit Doors**5",
"Electrical Setup**0",
"Electrical Panel**10",
"Charging Station"
"form": [
"type": "select",
"value": "status",
"optional": false,
"options": [
"default_option": ""
Default warning messages will be used if these messages are not present on the Org's mobile app global config.
Additional Parameters
Additional parameters can be used to access additional features or modify some default behaviors when using a checklist with form features. The parameters that can used are:
SharinPix Checklist Result Object
When a user submits a checklist with form features, a record is either created or modified in the SharinPix Checklist Result object on Salesforce.
A record is created for every unique combination of the token and checklist_ref used. Otherwise the record is just updated.
When using the above deeplink for the first time, submission of this checklist will result in the creation of a SharinPix Checklist Result record. If the same link is used and the checklist is submitted again, the record will only be updated. However if a different token or checklist_ref is used, a new record will be created.
Among many others, the Payload (JSON) and Images Mapping (JSON) are two fields of the SharinPix Checklist Result object.
Payload (JSON) field
The Payload (JSON) field is a JSON representation of the checklist submitted. The JSON contains an items entry which is an array of objects. Each object in the array represents a checklist item. There is an item for each tag in the checklist i.e if there are five tags, there will be five items.
Each item object contains the following entries:
- name: The name of the tag.
- image_count: The count of images taken for this tag.
- image_minimum_count: The minimum count of images specified for this tag.
- form_data: An object mapping form-field names to their submitted values.
The JSON also contains other entries such as:
- status: The overall status of the checklist. complete if the number of images taken for each tag is greater or equal to the minimum count specified for the tag and all required fields are filled. incomplete otherwise
- image_count: The total number of images taken
- items_filled: The number of items where the item's image_count is greater or equal to it's image_minimum_count
- items_total: The total number of items
"status": "incomplete",
"image_count": 1,
"items_filled": 0,
"items_total": 1,
"items": [
"name": "Fire Extinguisher",
"image_count": 1,
"image_minimum_count": 2,
"form_data": {
"status": "KO"
In this example, the checklist has a single item for the Fire Extinguisher tag. A minimum count of two images was specified for the tag. A single image was taken for the tag and the status form-field value was set to "KO". The overall status of the checklist is incomplete since a single image was taken while the minimum count specified was two for the tag.
- The Payload (JSON) contains other entries not mentioned and shown in this example.
- Checklist Result records are not created if the configured checklist have no form fields or no form key.
Images Mapping (JSON) field
The Images Mapping (JSON) field is a JSON that maps Checklist Result Item names to their image IDs.
"Fire Extinguisher": ["a2fafcb6-f4c5-48b7-948e-29985db3fb36"]
In this example, the checklist has a single Fire Extinguisher tag and a single image was for this tag.
Below is a screenshot of how it looks on Saleforce:
Now that you know how to configure a Checklist with Form Features, let's see how it looks like on the SharinPix mobile app.
For this demo, we are using the example configuration from the Configuration for the Checklist with Form Features section in a SharinPix deeplink: sharinpix://upload?token=...&checklist_ref=building-inspection
Here is the result on the SharinPix mobile app after opening the deeplink:
From here, you can upload images and fill the "status" form-fields.
- The number of images taken and minimum count specified is indicated next to dropdown. It's colour will change from orange to green when the number of images taken is greater or equal to the minimum count specified.
- The button in the top right is for re-ordering the checklist items based on its completeness. An item is considered complete when the number of images taken reached the minimum count AND when required form-fields are filled. A completed item will move down on re-ordering and incomplete ones will remain at the top.
- The badge on the button indicates the number of tags that will be re-ordered when it is clicked. The button is only visible if checklist_order is set to auto and checklist_reload is not set to auto.
Warning message displayed when user tries to submit an incomplete checklist. User can confirm submission by clicking Continue.
When the checklist is completed, the "Done" button becomes green.
Since this feature is relatively new, we recommend:
- Using only one form-field per checklist
- Avoid changing the list of tags for a checklist if it has already been used and submitted.
The checklist page will always show all the images with the same tag from the same Job even from previous sessions. This can affect the image count for a tag in the checklist result submitted. For example if a normal checklist was used before then a checklist with form features is used with some common tags.
Checklist reference not found
This error occurs when the checklist_ref value specified in the deeplink or universal link is not defined on the Org's mobile app global configuration.
Bad checklist configuration
This error occurs when the checklist_ref being used is not properly configured on the Org's mobile app global configuration.
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