Thumbnail View - Album Gallery Sections (Beta)
This article demonstrates how to configure the gallery scroll view inside the SharinPix Album component to filter images by uploaded date, date taken, or tags.
- To enable these features, ensure that the Gallery Navigation Scroll is enabled.
- To enable the Gallery Section by Date Taken or Gallery Section by Tags, you must contact support.
Gallery Sections
The gallery sections provide a filtered view of the image thumbnails based on different criteria within the SharinPix Album UI. The following options are available:
- Gallery Section by Uploaded Date (Available in permissions)
- Gallery Section by Date Taken (Must be enabled by contacting support)
- Gallery Section by Tags (Must be enabled by contacting support)
These options allow users to organize and navigate albums more efficiently.
Since Gallery Section by Date Taken and Gallery Section by Tags are not yet available in the permission settings, enabling these features will apply them to the entire organization. This means that all albums within the org will have these features enabled.
Gallery Section by Uploaded Date
The gallery sections provide a filtered view of the image thumbnails by the uploaded date within the SharinPix Album UI. It can be enabled under the label Gallery sections in the SharinPix Permission assigned to the album.
The following shows the Gallery Section by Uploaded Date:
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