Multiple Image download (ZIP) - make it available for your Album
To enable the download option on a SharinPix album, the download parameter should be set to true.
Click here for more information on how to enable the download parameter for your album.
Steps to zip and download images
To zip and download images, follow the steps below:
1. Access a SharinPix album
2. Select some images from the album by clicking on the select icon as indicated below:
3. Once the desired images are selected, open the thumbnail menu as demonstrated below:
4. Next, click on the option Download. This action will display a Download Zip button
5. Click on the Download Zip button to download a zipped file containing the selected images:
Enable the download parameter on a SharinPix album
To enable the download option on a SharinPix album, the download parameter should be set to true.
The download attribute can be enabled through:
- The SharinPix Global Settings:
- A SharinPix Permission record:
Once the SharinPix Permission record is created, it can be assigned to the standard SharinPix Album component or to a customized SharinPix album. Click here for more information on how to create and use the SharinPix Permission record.
- A Visualforce implementation:
<apex:page standardController="Opportunity">
<sharinpix:SharinPix height="500px"
'Id': '{!CASESAFEID($CurrentPage.parameters.Id)}',
'download': true,
{'Access': {
'see':true }
The download:true option can be specified in the Album's list of abilities in your Visualforce page implementation as shown above. Click here for more information regarding such implementation.
SharinPix also allows you to personalize the download filenames. For more information on how to configure the filenames, refer to the article below:
Multiple Image download (ZIP) - How to personalize the download filenames