Using in your own mobile app

It is possible to use SharinPix both in the online and offline experience.

Online usage

Throughout the online experience, which evidently requires a constant and consistent internet connectivity, one approach arise:

SharinPix inside Webform

  • It is possible to use an Iframe html element that displays the SharinPix Album within an web form Page.
  • The SharinPix URL fed to the src attribute of the Iframe element should have the following structure:
Click to copy


  • album_id corresponds to the album you intend to display
  • token_value corresponds to the abilities of the SharinPix Album 

The screenshot below shows how the album should appear:

Offline usage

Note: To use SharinPix in an offline context, it is mandatory to use the SharinPix mobile application.

Throughout the offline experience, which in this case presents an absence of internet connectivity, one main main approach to use SharinPix arise:

  • Use a custom deeplink to launch the SharinPix Mobile Application from your own Mobile Application.
  • For example, the custom deeplink  for upoading images should be in the follow form:
Click to copy


  • token_value corresponds to the abilities of the SharinPix Album where the images are to be uploaded to.