SharinPix Custom Upload Button (LWC)


The SharinPix Custom Upload Button LWC is a developer-only component designed to let you create a custom-styled button that uploads images to SharinPix from a Salesforce record. It is intended for use as a child component in your own custom Lightning Web Component (the “parent”), where you pass in a button layout (or any UI) via a <span> or other HTML wrapper element.


Getting Started

The purpose of this component is to allow image upload from a lightning button which is fully customisable in term user interface using the Lightning Design System framework.

Usage Example (Parent LWC)

Below is a simple parent LWC demonstrating how to use the SharinPix Custom Upload Button

HTML (Parent LWC)

    <div style="display: inline-block;">

            <span class="slds-button slds-button_brand">
                <lightning-icon size="x-small" icon-name="utility:upload" variant="inverse"></lightning-icon>
                <span>&nbsp;&nbsp;Custom Upload Photos</span>
Click to copy


You must start the component’s slot content with a <span> (rather than a <button> or <a>) for compatibility reasons.

JavaScript (Parent LWC)

import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';

export default class UploadButtonCustomParent extends LightningElement {
    @api recordId;
    @api permissionId;
    @api enableToast = false;
    @api enableImageSync = true;
    @api enableAction = false;
    @api fileExtensions; // e.g., '.jpg,.png,.pdf'
Click to copy


Attribute Description Data Type
recordId Reference to the Salesforce record where images will be uploaded. Id
permissionId SharinPix Permission record ID or Name to be applied on the component. String
enableToast If true, shows a toast message after uploads complete. Boolean
enableImageSync Activates the image sync functionality. Boolean
enableAction Activates the Tag Action functionality. Boolean
fileExtensions Restricts the file types that can be uploaded (e.g., .jpg, .heic, .pdf). String


For styling references and button design, refer to the Lightning Design System Buttons documentation.


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